Theme The Arthemia Blogger Templates
- Two/Three columns depend on your cutomization
- Professional design with magazine style
- Built-in search box
- Nice drop down menu
- Three footer widgets
- Banner ad ready (468×60)
- Google Adsense ready (300×250 rectangle, 120×600 sidebar)
One of the hottest templates for wordpress, the Arthemia template has been converted to blogger. But does it live up to its wordpress version, lets take a look at Themelib's latest port.
Well let me say this is a very neat and clean adaptation of the wordpress version, but when it comes to the functionality the wordpress theme has the blogger version gets a 3 out of 10.
The Arthemia template for wordpress is tag based, label based for you to understand, it picks up articles from select categories for you to display. It also has a prominent display of the labels incase a user wants to see that.
Its interesting especially if your visitors want to check out a particular category, it has one main post in the header and five sub feature posts. A beautiful middle bar to display your categories of choice.
While the blogger blog adapts the top header links, the sidebar is a single column breaking in to two parts and then finally into two. The footer is the same broken up into three columns. This template is beautiful, elegant and very professional even for blogger but as compared to its wordpress brother its far far behind.
Theme The Arthemia Blogger Templates
Theme The Arthemia Blogger Templates